My mom joined Henry and I on a 4-day trip to Eugene to spend some time with Jim and Sue. It was a wonderful and relaxing long weekend. With one grandpa and 2 grandmas Henry had a ton of attention, which was a nice break for me. It rained almost every day so we spent most of our time watching Henry. While we were in Eugene, Henry got to meet his great Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Jay.
Grandma Sue & Grandpa Jim posing with the future Duck |
Not sure who is having more fun! |
In both Jim and Sue’s families it is tradition to receive baby rings. Henry was given Jim’s fathers ring, which has his initials, John Hooper Wilson. For me it seemed a bit of a choking hazard, so Henry’s enjoyment of his new bling was limited to photos only. It will be a great keepsake for him.
We had so much fun in Eugene that we went the following weekend as well. While in Oregon, Henry had a hard time with the 8 hour time difference and didn't sleep well at night, so it was nice to have Grandma Sue's help in the mornings so that I could get some much needed sleep.